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2020 AngelSense Update

2020 AngelSense GPS Tracker - New & Improved

The latest version of AngelSense is more powerful, smarter, and the battery lasts longer.

* Intuitive iAlerts for Late Departures & Arrivals

* Step Counter that Shows Steps at Each Location and a Daily Total


Updating to the new version is free for most of our current customers.


To support the financial challenges of special needs families, we remotely upgraded the software on all of our current GPS 1 devices. This allows you to enjoy extended battery life and the same enhanced features without purchasing a new device. This is a part of our mission to keep your loved ones as safe as possible.


Be sure to download the latest AngelSense app version 1.2.5.


Once updated, you should experience longer battery life (30% longer on average).


If you’d like to buy the new GPS1 4G LTE device, you may purchase it in the AngelSense Store in your app.




Who can get the free update? 

Anyone with the GPS 1 device got the free update.


If you have the GPS 2 device you can purchase the GPS 1 4G model from the AngelSense Store. The device has been upgraded and you have a 30 day money-back guarantee to ensure the service will work in your area.


How much longer is the battery life with the update?

Your updated GPS 1 device will have an extended battery life of up to 36 hours – This is a 30% improvement depending on your usage.


What new features are available with the update?


Should I buy the GPS 4G model?

If you are happy with your service there is no need to buy the new device since all GPS 1 3G devices can be updated with the new 2020 version.


If you have the GPS 2 Verizon model, we highly recommend the new GPS 4G model. It offers the best coverage and is the most likely to work in your area. If you upgrade, it is covered by the 30 day money-back guarantee so you can try it and see if it works for you.


Verizon is phasing out service to 2G & 3G devices – this decision is outside of AngelSense’s control. We’ve made improvements to the GPS 1 devices to help accommodate our GPS 2 customers, if you have any questions please Contact Us.

AngelSense GPS Tracker

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