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Maximum Safety and Independence
for Autism, Special Needs & Dementia

AngelSense is an assistive technology for maximum safety, effective remote support, and increased independence.

With an AI-Powered solution, AngelSense overcomes the inherent limitations of standard GPS technologies.

With AngelSense, agencies help prevent wandering tragedies and significantly improve community engagement and overall quality of life for special needs families.

Protect special needs individuals so they can thrive, find them quickly if they wander and always know they are safe, no matter where they are.

Promoting Well-Being & Independence

AngelSense facilitates real change in the lives of families who are struggling with wandering, transition, or independence issues, by providing a proven, multifaceted solution.

What Agencies Are Saying


“WOW… AngelSense certainly gives plenty of value. Transit, magnetic attachment system,

runner mode You’ll definitely know where your child is located at all times. In all honesty, AngelSense stands head and shoulders above its competitors. The app is nicely designed and easy-to-use. AngelSense will most assuredly give you that extremely valuable peace of mind.”

autism council

“Parents who have children with autism know that 91 percent of children in our country

that wander or elope usually end up drowning,” said Lawana Jones, Autism Council executive director. “The sooner we can get folks onboard to know that the child is missing, the sooner we can search those predetermined areas to make sure the child is OK.”

autism alliance of michigan

“Our Michigan families of children with special needs who struggle to communicate verbally, or

struggled to keep other devices on, are already reporting an increased sense of security and peace of mind with AngelSense. Both the app as well as the unique and secure attachment options for wearability are life changing for these families.”

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Ensuring Safety at Home & in the Community

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Our Mission is To Create a Safer World
for People with Special Needs

We believe that every special person deserves to be safe at all times. We also believe that they should enjoy a sense of security and always be well treated - that's why we created AngelSense. AngelSense GPS is the only life-saving location monitoring solution designed specially for children & adults with special needs.

Parents & caregivers report that AngelSense brings immeasurable peace of mind and deepens the connection with their loved one. What an incredible bonus!

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