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Proximity with mobile hotspot

The new, smaller AngelSense GPS 4 device and AngelSense Watch support the option to locate your loved one indoors using Wi-Fi hotspots.

One of the options is to get a sense for your proximity to your loved one by turning on your mobile hotspot. The app shows the hotspots near them and therefore it will also show your mobile hotspot if you are nearby. The signal strength is an indication for how close you are to them, unless there is a wall or other barrier between you.

We recommend selecting your mobile hotspot at the bottom of the networks list to make sure it is always visible. This is best done in advance, while at home with the device:

  1. Turn on your mobile hotspot (see below).

  2. Choose “Select my Hotspot”

  3. Choose the Wi-Fi network that is your Mobile Hotspot

  4. Name this Mobile Hotspot so that you can recognize it in the future (ex. My Hotspot)


Turning on your Mobile Hotspot: 


  1. Open the Settings app, then select Mobile Data. (In iOS 10. In some older versions of iOS you just select Mobile.)

  2. Tap Personal Hotspot, and set Personal Hotspot to On. (Tap the slide so it turns green.)

  3. If Wi-Fi and/or Bluetooth are off, iOS will ask if you want to turn them back on. Turn them on.

  4. Tap ‘Wi-Fi Password’ and enter a suitable password. (This isn’t related to your Apple ID or usual Wi-Fi connection.)

  5. Check the name of the hotspot listed under “To Connect Using Wi-Fi” so you will recognize it.


(Android 6.x) Settings –> Wireless & Networks –> More –> Tethering & Portable Hotspot –> Set Up Wi-Fi Hotspot

(Android 5.x) Settings –> Tethering & Mobile Hotspot  –>  Mobile Hotspot


*Note that you must have our GPS 4 device or the Watch. If you do not, please go to our AngelSense Store from the app to upgrade to it. The GPS 1 device does not support Wi-Fi. 

AngelSense GPS Tracker Device

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