Voice Minutes
1-Way Voice is a safety feature that helps you locate your lost loved one, especially when indoors and there is no GPS reception. It can help provide guidance to caregivers and it can be used to monitor your loved one’s care.
2-Way Voice allows you to talk to your loved one without them having to “pick up” or click anything.
SOS Call Button allows your loved one to call you from the device by pressing the SOS button.
Voice Messages allow you to record Voice Messages and play them remotely on your loved one’s AngelSense device on-demand, or automatically at the time or location that you predefine.
The AngelSense monthly service subscription includes 60 free minutes for 1-Way, 2-Way, Voice Messages, and SOS Voice combined for a calendar month (renews on the 1st of each month). Once you exceed the 60 minutes, you will have a negative balance on your minutes. If you purchase more minutes, these minutes will be subtracted. Any unused free minutes do not rollover to the next calendar month. All purchased minutes that are unused will roll over.
The app will alert to a low balance of minutes. Additional minutes can be purchased from our AngelSense Store page. The free minutes are always the first to be used and then any purchased minutes are used after the free minutes are depleted. Any minutes that you purchase never expire.
Primary Guardians can see minutes used and purchase minutes within the app using the “My Account” section under ‘Payment & Billing’ and. You can also see each call, who the call is from, the time the call came in, and the duration of the call as well by selecting ‘Call Log’.