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AngelSense Blog

Autism April 7, 2016

40 Quotes to Uplift and Inspire You This World Autism Awareness Month

April is World Autism Awareness Month, and it’s the perfect time to show your support and spread awareness about the condition. Whether your child or someone else you know has autism, there are many ways you can celebrate this special month.

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Activities April 4, 2016

Join Us in Raising Awareness This World Autism Awareness Month

With World Autism Awareness Month being commemorated in April, it’s the perfect time to reflect on what we can do to raise awareness. After all, autism touches all our lives in some way. With some estimates suggesting that as many as 1 in 68 children in the U.S. have some sort of autism spectrum disorder, we can no longer afford to ignore this condition.

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Autism March 30, 2016

Prepare Your Child with Asperger’s for Adulthood with These Career Planning Tips

Helping your child with Asperger’s Syndrome transition into adulthood can be challenging. There is so much to consider as you prepare your teen for independent living. While you can’t prepare for every eventuality, by helping your child career plan from an early age you can ensure your child has the necessary skills to make a valuable contribution to the workforce

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Activities March 22, 2016

Help Your Special Child Get the Most out of Nature-Based Play This Springtime

In the appropriate outdoor environment, your special child will have the opportunity to experience the world in a meaningful way. And what better time to do that than during spring. The important thing is to provide your child with a non-threatening structure to play and learn outdoors at their own pace and comfort level.

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Autism March 17, 2016

Help Your Special Child Cope Better with These Practical Sleep Strategies

Sleep disorders tend to be more common in children with autism. It’s estimated that anywhere between 40% and an 80% of children with special needs have trouble sleeping. Other studies indicate that 83% of children with autism have some sort of sleep problem. Some of the most common sleep problems among these special children include difficulty falling asleep; restlessness and waking up frequently.

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Autism March 14, 2016

Kevin and Avonte’s Law Will Help Safeguard Children with Autism from the Dangers of Wandering

The AngelSense community is proud to support the newly introduced Kevin and Avonte’s Law, also known as S.2614. The bill aims to help families locate loved ones with conditions like autism which cause them to wander, and will help fund GPS tracking devices such as AngelSense. This new legislation builds on the Missing Alzheimer’s Disease Patient Alert Program, and includes support for people with autism.

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Autism February 24, 2016

Here’s How to Help Your Special Child Grow into an Independent Adult

You probably think about your little one’s future more than you’d like to admit. But like most special needs parents, you don’t have the time to plan or entertain what-ifs and maybes. You’re too busy dealing with to-do lists and the reality of your child’s sensory processing disorder to think about their future. What will become of your little one?

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Autism February 23, 2016

AngelSense vs. Other GPS Trackers For Kids: Here’s What You Need to Know

AngelSense is a comprehensive monitoring platform which also includes a GPS tracking device and a mobile app. The platform was specifically designed to cope with the core limitations of personal GPS tracker devices using advanced patent-pending machine learning algorithms.

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Autism February 18, 2016

Autistic Genius – What Do they Have in Common

There’s still a lot we still don’t understand about autism and how it impacts a child’s brain. And while advances in science have given us better insight into the brain networks disrupted by the disorder, many questions still remain. This is perhaps why mainstream media continues to perpetuate stereotypes and misconceptions about the link between autism and genius.

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