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Step Counter

The Step Counter shows the number of steps for each named location and the daily total in the summary at the bottom of the Timeline.

Benefits of having access to this information:



**Please note that if you have the Watch, you will need to activate the Step Counter in your app in order for the Step Counter to show on the Watch face. (The steps will show in the app even if the Step Counter is not activated to show on the Watch face.)


  1. Go to the Main Menu and select ‘Settings’ and ‘Device’

2. Select a Watch Face, select the ‘Step Counter’ box, and Save




*App Version 1.2.5 and higher and GPS 1 device version G3.EY.074/G3.EY.006 and higher.  You can verify your app and device versions from the app’s Menu in the “About” section. This feature is currently in beta testing by a group of GPS 1 users with Android apps. It will be opened to all in the next app version.

AngelSense GPS Tracker

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