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Alternative Watch Straps for the AngelSense Watch

The AngelSense Watch comes with a soft watch strap (22mm).

For those wanting a Lockable Watch Strap, a Smartwatch Style Watch Strap, a Soft Breathable Watch Strap or a Sport Strap (Self-Fastening), AngelSense offers these four watch strap options as alternatives to the Original Watch Strap.


*You can order the watch straps in the AngelSense Store in your app (Main Menu> AngelSense Store).


*If you want to use a different branded watch band, these brands are compatible: Amazfit, Fossil, and Barton (size 22mm).


To learn more in-depth about the AngelSense Watch, see this FAQ on the AngelSense Watch.


Lockable Watch Strap 

Unlock carefully. Turn the key counterclockwise and pull it out only after turning it back to its original position.


For a quick video on how this Lockable Strap works see this short video 


Should you ever require extra keys, they are available for purchase in the store in the app at the price of $9.99 for two.

Smartwatch Style Watch Strap


Soft Breathable Watch Strap 


Sport Strap (Self-Fastening)


In addition, the Original Watch Strap which comes with the watch is also available for purchase.


Original Watch Strap


For easy instructions on how to replace your AngelSense Watch’s straps, see this quick video tutorial.




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