For Back to School, we are offering the AngelSense Device for FREE.
We would like to help families protect their loved ones and get peace of mind.

AngelSense GPS Tracker Safe Ride Monitoring

See Your Loved One’s
Exact Route on a Live Map


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Maximum Safety & Independence

Live Tracking Every Time Your Love One is On the Move

Live Tracking Map

See your loved one’s the
exact route in real-time

Maximum Speed

Ensure your loved one is safely
getting from place to place

Estimated Time of Arrival

Know exactly when your loved one
will arrive to a specific location

Lifesaving Alerts

Intelligent Alerts let you know
right away when something is off

Transit Alerts

Instantly know when your loved one
is on the move by foot or auto

Detailed History

Every transit is tracked and
available to review at any time


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Make Every Ride a Safe Ride

Only AngelSense Tracks Every Transit with Life Saving Alerts

  • Accurate Real-Time GPS Tracking
  • Live Tracking Map of Exact Route
  • Tracks Every Transit Automatically
  • Alerts for Wrong Stops, Delays & More
  • Know Exactly When They Leave & Arrive
  • Detects Unusual Behavior
  • Detailed History of All Transits

AngelSense saved my son’s life when a new bus driver dropped him off at the wrong bus stop and left alone in a public library. He is autistic and nonverbal so things could have turned out so differently if I hadn’t received an alert and been able to see exactly where he was. Fatimah, Autism Mom

Every Transit, Every Time

Immediately Know When Your Loved One is On the Move & See Their Live Route

Only AngelSense automatically tracks every single transit. As soon as your loved one is on the move, by foot, auto, or school bus you get an alert and can then go to the app to see their exact route in real-time, estimated ETA, and maximum speed.

My nonverbal son with autism & epilepsy takes a LONG bus ride to school each day! I love the feature where I can track the bus route and see where he is at any given time, and listen in if necessary. Don’t know if we would have sent him to that school if it weren’t for his ANGELSENSE!! Frank, Autism Daddy

No More Guessing When They’ll Arrive

Updated ETA Lets You Know When to Expect Your Loved One

No more waiting around, wondering when the school bus will arrive! AngelSense provides a constantly updated time of arrival to your loved one’s most likely destination (it can also be changed to a different location if needed). So you know exactly when to be there to greet them.

I’m constantly busy, as most of us special needs moms are. I love that AngelSense school bus tracker lets me know exactly when to expect my son’s school bus so I’m not wasting valuable time waiting for him at the bus stop wondering when he’ll get there. Sarah, Special Needs Mom

The Information You Need, When You Need It

Precise Details are Available for Every Ride, Walk, or Run

Whether your loved one is walking the dog or taking the bus to school, AngelSense provides the exact times, speed, and route. You can also view a traffic map or see the number of steps taken. Each transit is stored so you can go back and review the details at any time.

AngelSense helped me catch a speed demon bus driver! He was going 85mph! I also had an incident where kiddo was put on the wrong bus and I knew where he was before the school did. AngelSense has proved itself over and over again. Eileen, Autism with a Side of Fries

Lifesaving Transit Alerts

Intelligent iAlerts notify you when there is a potential emergency or delay

  • Alerts When Traveling Starts
  • Notification Indicating a Missed Bus
  • Detects Getting Off at a Wrong Stop
  • Warnings for Unexpected Delays

My son didn’t get off the school bus at home at the usual time (his father wasn’t there to get him). Thankfully, I received an alert and could open the app to see where he was. I called the school transport company to stop the bus so I could go and get him. Without AngelSense I would have no clue where my son was! Rea, Autism Mom


Try AngelSense Risk Free


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