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Home Activities Perfect for Your Child with Autism

Updated on January 22, 2024

child with autism activities at home

As much of the world finds itself staying in to prevent the spread of the unfamiliar COVID-19 or coronavirus, millions of kids are finding themselves limited to entertainment and exercise within the walls of their own home. This includes a vast number of children with autism who are struggling with the new and unexpected changes to their daily living routines.

After a few weeks and a few more to come, you may be running out of ideas, so we’ve put together at home activities for your autistic child. If you have the AngelSense GPS Tracker for Kids there are some additional tips and activities you can do with it here.

We also put together a list of online freebies for kids to help as well.

In-home Activities Perfect for Children with Autism

Since autism is a wide spectrum, you can’t expect all children to respond the same way when they are told that they will be staying home for the next several weeks, and in some cases without an answer as to when they’ll be able to go back out into the community. As a parent, you are more familiar with how your child will react than just about anyone. Assess their response, expect some resistance and behavioral problems that come with the changes, allow for them to be upset, and then start adjusting your in-home plan to keep them occupied and engaged.

in home activities for autistic child

Just like eyeglasses, there is no “one size fits all” when it comes to choosing the perfect activities for all children with autism. Just like typically developing children, children with autism will have a wide array of unique needs and interests. Explore and introduce activities based on what you know about your own child while keeping in mind new activities that your child may be interested in learning about during your time in quarantine.

Below, we have listed several categories of in-home activities for autism that you might find useful and entertaining for your child with autism. You don’t have to try all of them or spend a fortune on new toys and crafts. Just peruse the resources and see what may closely fit your child’s interests, age range, and abilities. You may also want to check out our post on Autism Therapy You Can Do with Your Child at Home.

activities for kids with autism - dance

Physically Demanding Activities & Exercises for Kids with Autism

Children of any age with autism will have moments throughout the day where they just need to get their wiggles out. Being at home all day will only add to the stir-craziness, which can result in some difficult behaviors. Take a couple hours out of the day, which can be broken up into several minute intervals, to run your child through physical exercise. Here’s a few in-home exercise for kids ideas:

In order to best carry out these exercises, you as the parent will most likely be participating too. If you are physically unable to, recruit a sibling or another family member in your home to help. You can also check out exercises Special Strong shared with us.

fun math activities for kids with autism

Intellectually Stimulating Activities for Kids with Autism

Instead of having your child mindlessly watch movies all day (which is still okay in small quantities), pull out some of these autism activities at home to get their brains reeling:

Messy play activities for kids with autism

Messy Play Activities for Kids with Autism

Pediatric clinicians, particularly occupational therapists, frequently use messy play in order to address sensory issues related to picky eating and other tactile needs. In other words, it’s a delicate subject for some children with autism, but if your child is the type to dive into the mess, give these activities a try (outside if you can):

meditation and calming for kids with autism

Calming and Self-Regulation Activities for Children with Autism

It’s important to have a way to wind down and cope when things get a little overwhelming. Here are some calming ideas:

Hands on skills for kids with autism

Hands-on Skills Development Activities for Kids with Autism

Now that you both have all of this time at home, you can explore some of those old hobbies or research some new ones that you and your child can work on together. These days, hundreds of free tutorials are available online covering just about any topic:

at home activities for kids with autism

Tips for Coordinating In-home Activities for a Child with Autism

Remember, all of our activity suggestions will not necessarily be suitable or interesting for all children with autism. The activities you select will depend on materials available to you in the home, what you are willing to spend on new materials, the age of your child, the functional abilities of your child, and your child’s overall priorities and motivations.

Select activities by allowing your child to participate in the choosing process. Select one or two new activities that you can work on together over a period of a few days. Allow your child to take calming breaks when physical exercise doesn’t solve the problem and their little systems start to get overwhelmed. Be proactive and ready to participate with your child so that you can provide them with the full benefits of each activity.

Keep kids with autism safe with AngelSense GPS

Keeping Your Child Protected at Home

In our blog post School Canceled? Protect Your Autistic Child During Uncertain Times we go over some of the safety concerns that can arise during a time like this. Our mission at AngelSense always has been and always will be to keep your child with autism and special needs safe. If wandering has ever been an issue, there is a possibility that it could get worse or start again due to today’s circumstances. Our AngelSense GPS Safety Device provides the highest level of protection available and is designed specifically for those with special needs. Our customer care mom’s all have children with special needs and are working from home to answer any of your questions.

Be sure to check out our Facebook Page, Instagram, Blog, and sign up for our newsletter for useful information, tips, and inspiration.

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