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How Can Kids with Special Needs Wear a Personal GPS Tracker?

Updated on May 21, 2021


Holding AngelSense GPS Tracker


Wearable personal GPS trackers usually come in the form of GPS bracelets and watches, because what could be more convenient than wearing a lightweight gadget around your wrist, right? Wrong!

Cute, colorful GPS bracelets made of textured materials are not an option for children with sensory issues and obsessive behaviors and will quickly be removed, tampered with and most probably discarded. The AngelSense GPS Tracker was created to keep children with special needs safe, but for that to happen the child needs to keep the device on90% of parents reported that their child became completely comfortable wearing the AngelSense GPS Tracker within three weeks. How is this achieved?


1. By designing it to STAY ON


2. By enabling kids to wear it any which way that works for them  

Because the AngelSense GPS Tracker device is attached to your child’s clothing, wearing is extremely versatile. You can attach it virtually anywhere that makes sense for your child’s unique requirements and daily activities. Some kids wear the GPS device attached to their hoodie or in the cuff of their pants!

Super Versatile Wearing:

The Undershirt is ideal for kids with special needs and sensory sensitivity who benefit from a GPS tracker.


the undershirt wearing option


“My son doesn’t mind wearing it and he has severe sensitivity to touch. Thank you AngelSense!” Kelly Beard Lasson

“The material is so soft, and I love the stitching too, nice and soft as to not cause any irritation! My son was very excited to try it on.” Wendy Chace

The pouch is a versatile option for special needs kids. It can be attached the inside of a pocket, along the waistline, in a backpack, or any other configuration your child prefers.   


AngelSense GPS Tracker - Wearing in Pocket


Wearing AngelSense GPS Tracker along the waistband


“The pouch is perfect for my daughter. Once it’s secured with the pins it stays put in her pocket.” Ana

The Belt is ideal for children who are potty training, who remove their own clothing, or require clothing changes throughout the day. Great for daycare and school.


Wearing the AngelSense GPS Tracker on the belt


“We love the AngelSense belt! My son can’t take it off , it goes under his clothing so it’s hidden & out of the way, and it never accidently gets thrown into the wash!” Sarah Garcia

3. Because they know wearing it means their parents are always watching over them    

Wearing the AngelSense GPS tracker device gives kids a sense of security and confidence, knowing that their parent is always “with them” to protect them, even when not physically present. Many parents report that children insist on never leaving the house without their AngelSense on.

AngelSense is committed to creating a safer world for children with special needs. We designed the AngelSense GPS tracking solution to give parents the peace of mind that their child is safe at all times.  


Get peace of mind from AngelSense, the groundbreaking AI-based assistive technology designed to enhance safety and peace of mind for individuals with special needs and their families. Our solution ensures you stay connected with your loved ones, empowering a higher level of independence while maintaining safety. Learn more about how AngelSense can make a difference for your family.


  1. B Parker February 27, 2017 at 7:52 pm - Reply

    what if your kid takes clothes off or elopes/takes off during the night?
    Also what is your guarantee on battery life and how much time is required to charge device.

    • Sidra @ AngelSense March 15, 2017 at 4:06 pm - Reply

      Hi B. Parker,
      For children that take their clothes off, it’s strongly recommended that you use the belt accessory. It can be worn under clothes and locked on with the strong fasteners. Depending on the device you choose, the battery life is about 14 hours after full charge (4 hours). There are several ways to extend battery life and some people that have the issue of night time eloping, purchase an extra device (refurbished is available) in order to charge an extra battery. Here is some more info about the wearing options: http://support.angelsense.com/Wearing/

  2. Allison February 28, 2017 at 12:34 pm - Reply

    Can i be an affiliate for Australia please

    • Sidra @ AngelSense March 15, 2017 at 2:11 pm - Reply

      Hi Allison, passing your message onto the affiliate manager.

  3. Bobbie Jones March 2, 2017 at 2:53 am - Reply

    My child is on SSI Disability and Medicaid. She has Downs Syndrome. Is there any programs available to get her an Angel Sense for free or reduced cost?

    • Sidra @ AngelSense March 15, 2017 at 1:58 pm - Reply

      Hi Bobbie, We are working on different ways to make AngelSense affordable for every family. Currently there are several options.
      Some families have had success with the following: Insurance, Medicaid Waiver, Easter Seals, Tax deduction, and local state programs.
      Here are some resources we put together about other ways for families with special needs of finding funding http://support.angelsense.com/Pricing-and-Shipping/880992871/Funding-options.htm

  4. Melody October 21, 2017 at 1:55 pm - Reply

    Does it work in India? Traveling their in a couple of months and does the app work with multiple children?

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