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AngelSense GPS Wins Patient Innovation Award

Updated on December 24, 2019


A post by AngelSense, a GPS & voice monitoring solution designed for children with special needs.

Learn more about how AngelSense’s GPS tracking device can help improve your child’s safety and well-being.

Exciting news! AngelSense won the prestigious 2016 Patient Innovation Award for which it was selected by an Advisory Board of international senior academic leaders and Nobel Prize laureates. The awards were created to recognize patients or caregivers that designed pioneering technologies to help relieve the symptoms of a certain health condition, or to improve the quality of life of those suffering from this condition.

AngelSense GPS Tracker was chosen as a groundbreaking product, as it’s the only solution of its kind designed specifically for children with special needs. AngelSense leverages cutting edge technology to address the unique challenges of the special needs community.  

angelsense ceo doron sommer presenting at pi awards

Doron Somer, AngelSense CEO & Co-Founder said: “It was truly inspiring to be in the company of entrepreneurs that created amazing solutions born out of their own experience with chronic health conditions. We feel privileged to have been included in this group of innovators that have made a difference for others despite their own hardships”.

The AngelSense solution is comprised of a GPS tracking device attached to the child’s clothing, and a mobile app for the child’s caregivers. With AngelSense, parents can continuously monitor their child’s whereabouts. This is a vital capability and has proven to save lives, because children with special needs often have a tendency to wander away or elope from a place of safety. AngelSense also features a listen-in capability allowing parents to hear if their child is ok and what’s happening in their surroundings. This can be used to help prevent bullying and mistreatment.

Protecting children with special needs does not end with preventing emergency situations like a wandering incident. Even simple everyday actions like riding the school bus can be extremely challenging. Parents worry about whether their child will get from the bus to class safely or whether they’ll get off at the right stop. AngelSense allows parents to follow their child’s exact travel route on a real-time map and to see if they arrived safely. The bus ride is just one example of the many complex situations parents constantly have to deal with. And that’s another way in which AngelSense makes a huge difference — eliminating the uncertainty and anxiety from day-to-day life in a special needs family.

With AngelSense parents can:


AngelSense co-founder receives PI award

About the Patient Innovation Awards

Patient Innovation (PI) in a non-profit organization created to help share pioneering technologies created by patients or caregivers to help relieve the symptoms of a certain health condition or to improve the quality of life of those suffering from this condition. The organization states that: “The PI Awards have been established to celebrate the innovators from our community who stood out with the impact and novelty of their solutions…The Advisory Board of Patient Innovation selected seven laureates. They were honored for innovating, sharing and improving lives while facing adversity and challenges.”

patient innovation award

AngelSense is committed to creating a safer world for children with special needs. We designed the AngelSense GPS tracking solution to give parents the peace of mind that their child is safe at all times.  Try AngelSense Today.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Get peace of mind from AngelSense, the groundbreaking AI-based assistive technology designed to enhance safety and peace of mind for individuals with special needs and their families. Our solution ensures you stay connected with your loved ones, empowering a higher level of independence while maintaining safety. Learn more about how AngelSense can make a difference for your family.


  1. Dana read December 27, 2016 at 12:56 am - Reply

    Is it waterproof?

    • Sidra @ AngelSense December 28, 2016 at 5:11 pm - Reply

      Hi Dana – It’s not meant to be submerged in water, but will continue working if it gets wet. We are currently working on a water proof cover and have begun beta testing it.

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